I took my camera to town the other day (when dropping off my computer)in search of blooms since nothing was blooming up here so I could enjoy some color. On my way I looked off to my left and there was a parking strip just a bloomin' and I thought I'm going to come back and get that picture and send it to Karen over at GREENWALKS Gardening where the sidewalk ends to add to her collection of posts on these really great strips - parking strips, hell strips, garden strips - apparently they have a number of different names.I did my business then headed back down the main street where I had come in and since there was traffic behind me I turned and figured that strip display was probably on the next block or so. Well it wasn't but I found another one . . ..
and another . . .
and another.
This little section of town was loaded with them. I never did find the one that was only 1 block off of the main street. But I found so many more. This one had such a nice variety of color, size and textured plants and shrubs.
A month ago I probably wouldn't have even noticed these strips unless they were so brilliantly colored with blooms ya couldn't help but see them. But reading GREENWALKS posts has brought them to my attention and heightened my awareness to a level of wanting to see more of these delightful strips people have taken upon their own to landscape.
I told her I had wanted to take just this one picture to send to her and then ended up taking a whole camera full because this neighborhood had so many. She very graciously told me since I had so much fun taking these pictures I should go ahead and enjoy doing the post myself.First let me say I'm not as knowledgeble as she is about the trees, shrubs and flowers so I'll just show the pictures and if you want a real treat be sure and visit herblog for more strips and much more informative posts.
Some Yucca plants on each side.
This one where the 2 streets come together looks like it's filled with Sedums.
This looks like their yard but it does have sidewalk going through.
Each tree has it's own planter built around it with a variety of flowers in each one.

I thought all 3 of these trees were very interesting.
A close up of the 2 strangest ones.
And some decorative stairs with white Heathers blooming.

This little section of town was loaded with them. I never did find the one that was only 1 block off of the main street. But I found so many more. This one had such a nice variety of color, size and textured plants and shrubs.

Some Yucca plants on each side.