Monday, June 7, 2010

Haven't Been Blogging Much - Fertilizer Friday

You haven't seen a lot of me on her lately except for an occasional post. So
much has been happening I just can't seem to do it all. Most recently I had to
go up toward Mt. St. Helens, pick up my daughter and take her into town for
surgery. They removed hardware in her knee from a previous surgery that was
giving her trouble. All day in town then taking her home I decided to take our
favorite 5 year old home with me so she could stay down and not have to chase
him around as he had a couple extra days off from school this week. Just the
whole day in town waiting for her was tiring for me but chasing the 5 year old
around just flat does me in.
Yesterday we went on a camel hunt so he could see the goofy looking camel who lives down
the road and then we came back and he helped me take some flower pictures for
Fertilizer Friday.
The Azalea I showed earlier loaded with buds is blooming now. What a
gorgeous color. Last year this was just opening on April 13th so it is really
early this year.

Pulmonaria Smokey Blue
I absolutely love that this blooms in 2 different colors.
It's Fertilizer Friday so be sure to go over and visit our hostess Tootsie after you leave here andsee what's blooming in everyone's gardens! And while you’re there why not join in on
the fun.