If you would still like to be entered in my drawing for an 11" x 11" print on canvas made to look like an oil painting just click here 100th Post Giveaway to go and leave your name in the comment section AND if you would like 2 entries just put a link in your column to my blog mentioning the giveaway and let me know you did that. It will be easier for me to have all of the names on the same post when transferring them for the drawing (next Monday). Thanks A Garden To Keep The Deer Out!
My neighbors have a beautiful garden and the deer don't get even one little bite of anything! Of course they do enjoy the flowers and she has never even seen her Lilies!
I guess it started with the Marionberries - the deer wouldn't leave them alone so that was the deciding factor on fencing everything in. I think there are even fences inside the fences! But it's really a beautiful garden and even prettier knowing that no one gets to munch on it but you!
There's a really pretty trellis with a Clematis on each side at the entrance to the garden. Some of these pictures were taken a while back so the Clematis wasn't blooming.
Daylilies line the front
They have Marionberries, Blueberries, Strawberries and probably more I don't remember.
A huge patch of Rhubarb and they also have Asparagus that comes back
An orchard of apple and cherry trees - maybe more I'm not sure. But they haven't been able to get any cherries because of the birds eating them. She had heard about hanging shiny things in the trees to keep the birds away. She had some old CD's and hung them in the Cherry trees and this is the first year the birds have left the cherries alone!
Here's another shot with the Daylilies blooming
A butterfly was nice enough to pose for us
This picture was taken earlier - coming down the driveway you can see the Rhodies blooming in alternating pinks
I believe this was a Dutch Iris that was blooming because she had a white one that was finished and I think maybe that's where my white Dutch Iris came from that showed up one year - a little bird thought I needed one too.
She didn't know what this was but it's very attractive and different
Japanese Iris Variegata - very pretty with it's varigated leaves
Brunnera Variegata Siberian Bugloss - I didn't realize until I got home and looked at the picture of the tag that this was a Brunnera. I think I may need this one for a different look in my shade garden. Something has been nibbling on the leaves she's going to treat.
I was pretty happy to get to share in her seeing her first Lily blooming. EVER! When she told me about a month ago they eat the buds of this one I told her to get some Liquid Fence and I guess it's working. What a shame to have missed it on other years - it's just beautiful.
Sweet Williams
Maltese Cross
Hardy Orchid
And last - isn't this different? It's a Euphorbia Tasmanian Tiger