Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hot Weather And Our Well Pump Dies . . .

The middle of August with extremely hot weather is not a good time to have the pump in your well go out! Not if you have lots of flowers anyway. That's what happened to us on Saturday. Thank goodness we had been having a cool spell and had gotten some rain or I'm afraid I would have really lost a lot of flowers.

This was probably the best birthday present I've ever gotten - NOT! I did get a runner up one year when I was driving down I-5 going 70 mph in the fast lane and I got a blowout. I sang happy birthday to me that day too! I've decided I don't want any more birthdays - getting old is bad enough but these little extra presents I can live without.

The well guy could have come the next day but Sunday and double time charges? This is not going to be cheap to start with so we opted to go another day without water and he'd be here bright and early on Monday. And he was. Our well is 180 feet deep so they had a lot of pipe to bring up to get to the pump at the bottom. The good news is that in the midst of a heat wave we still have 90 feet of water. It's nice to know that when the pump is working I can water 'til the cows come home and not run out! Yesterday it was too hot to water when they got done with the well and I had to go to town anyway so I got up bright and early this morning to start looking things over and watering my flowers.
The Verbena did pretty good without a drink.
The Petunias in the same planter not so much!
These Petunias couldn't decide - some were ok some not.
The Tri Color, Cape Blanco and some other Sedum did wonderful of course but even the fern that planted itself in the front of the BBQ looked ok.

The Million Bells are rather pathetic looking.

But these Petunias looked great.
The Purple Heart is looking good.

The Cauticolum is even starting to bloom so I guess I did ok in the middle of an emergency. Nothing really died as far as I can tell - they just all look really sad!

What's probably going to hurt the most is paying the ugly, enormous bill to keep the water coming!